Review in 5 – When Among Crows by Veronica Roth

Retellings are my jam. Whenever I see a book advertised somewhere with a hint of a retelling, I’m on it.

Veronica Roth introduces us to the world of Slavic folklore. The setting? What appears to be modern-day Chicago, where monsters hide just beneath the surface.


When Among Crows is swift and striking, drawing from the deep well of Slavic folklore and asking if redemption and atonement can be found in embracing what we most fear.

We bear the sword, and we bear the pain of the sword.

Pain is Dymitr’s calling. His family is one in a long line of hunters who sacrifice their souls to slay monsters. Now he’s tasked with a deadly mission: find the legendary witch Baba Jaga. To reach her, Dymitr must ally with the ones he’s sworn to kill.

Pain is Ala’s inheritance. A fear-eating zmora with little left to lose, Ala awaits death from the curse she carries. When Dymitr offers her a cure in exchange for her help, she has no choice but to agree.

Together they must fight against time and the wrath of the Chicago underworld. But Dymitr’s secrets—and his true motives—may be the thing that actually destroys them.

Star Rating – 3.5 Stars


  • A short and gory novella – very quick to read.
  • Readers are thrown in at the deep end, and we spend the first few pages being introduced to the folklore and world that we’re thrust into.
  • A fascinating tale, but felt too short. (A few more chapters please!)
  • Cliffhanger – kinda… With the task completed, the characters move on to their next chapter < but what??
  • Look at that cover!

*eProof gifted by UK publisher, Titan Books, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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